Vermont EPSCoR Publications and Products

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Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Huang H, Winter JM, Osterberg EC, Horton RM, Beckage B. Total and extreme precipitation changes over the Northeastern United States. Journal of Hydrometeorology [Internet]. 2017 . Available from:
Winter JM, Huang H, Osterberg EC. Total and Extreme Precipitation Changes over the Northeastern United States. In: American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting (AAG 2017). American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting (AAG 2017). Boston, MA: American Association of Geographers (AAG); 2017. Available from:
Brand MW, Dewoolkar MM, Rizzo DM. Use of sacrificial embankments to minimize bridge damage from scour during extreme flow events. Natural Hazards [Internet]. 2017 ;87(3):1469 -1487. Available from:
Exler S. Vermont EPSCoR Communications Android App. 2017 .
Witt M. A View of Water Quality Characteristics Pertinent to Phosphorus Movement in a Third Level Tributary to Lake Champlain. 2017 AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting [Internet]. 2017 . Available from:
Betts AK. The weather listens to no man. Rutland Herald [Internet]. 2017 . Available from:
Joung D, Leduc M, Ramcharitar B, Xu Y, Isles PDF, Stockwell JD, Druschel G, Manley T, Schroth AW. Winter weather and lake-watershed physical configuration drive phospnorus, iron and manganese dynamics in water and sediment of ice-covered lakes. Limnology and Oceanography [Internet]. 2017 ;62(4):1620-1635. Available from:
Glaser JR, Schmitz C, Menne A. Acoustic pressure wave/shock wave mediated processing of biological tissue, and systems, apparatuses, and methods therefor. US Patent & Trademark Office, Patent Full Text and Image Database [Internet]. 2016 . Available from:
Betts AK. Addressing Vermont’s concerns on climate change. 2016 AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting [Internet]. 2016 . Available from:
Gearhart TA, Ritchie K, Nathan E, Stockwell JD, Kraft J. Alteration of essential fatty acids in secondary consumers across a gradient of cyanobacteria. Hydrobiologia [Internet]. 2016 . Available from:
Betts AK, Tawfik AB. Annual Climatology of the Diurnal Cycle on the Canadian Prairies. Frontiers in Earth Science [Internet]. 2016 ;4(1). Available from:
Sutharsan S, Koliba C, Saravanabavan A. An Assessment of Public Sector Accountability in Sri Lanka: A Case Study in Northern Sri Lanka. In: 3rd International Conference on Advancing Democratic Governance in the Developing World. 3rd International Conference on Advancing Democratic Governance in the Developing World. Washington, DC; 2016.
Edwards MB, Dewoolkar MM, Huston DR, Creager C. Bevameter testing on simulant Fillite for planetary rover mobility applications. Journal of Terramechanics [Internet]. 2016 ;70(April 2017):13 - 26. Available from:
Galford GL, Nash J, Betts AK, Carlson S, Ford S, Hoogenboom A, Markowitz D, Nash A, Palchak E, Pears S, et al. Bridging the climate information gap: a framework for engaging knowledge brokers and decision makers in state climate assessments. Climatic Change [Internet]. 2016 ;138(3-4):383 - 395. Available from:
Betts AK. Climate Prediction: Global Carbon Emissions Could Peak as Early as 2020. Green Energy Times [Internet]. 2016 . Available from:
Betts AK. Climate Reflections on 2015. Green Energy Times [Internet]. 2016 . Available from:
McCabe DJ. Cloudy with a chance of flies: Non-biting midges. Northern Woodlands [Internet]. 2016 . Available from:
Koliba C, Gerrits L, Rhodes ML, Meek J, Ansell C, Torfing J. Complexity Theory and Systems Analysis. In: Handbook on Theories of Governance. Handbook on Theories of Governance. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing; 2016. Available from:
Conner D, Miller J, Zia A, Wang Q, Darby H. Conjoint Analysis of Farmers' Response to Conservation Incentives. Sustainability [Internet]. 2016 ;8(7). Available from:
Wielgasz C, Vermilyea A. The Contribution of Nitrate in Agricultural Runoff to the Sensitized Photochemical Degradation of Atrazine. In: Northeastern GSA. Northeastern GSA. Albany, NY: Geological Society of America; 2016.
Wemple B. Controlling Polluted Stormwater Runoff From Roads. Vermont Journal of Environmental Law [Internet]. 2016 ;17(4):785-810. Available from:
Zia A, Bomblies A, Schroth AW, Koliba C, Isles PDF, Tsai Y-S, Mohammed IN, Bucini G, Clemins PJ, Turnbull S, et al. Coupled impacts of climate and land use change across a river-lake continuum: insights from an integrated assessment model of Lake Champlain’s Missisquoi Basin, 2000-2040. Environmental Research Letters [Internet]. 2016 ;11(11):114026. Available from:
Koliba C, Wiltshire S, Scheinert S, Turner D, Zia A, Campbell E. The critical role of information sharing to the value proposition of a food systems network. Public Management Review [Internet]. 2016 :1 - 21. Available from:
Exler S. CWDD Symposium Videos. [Internet]. 2016 . Available from:
Bucini G, Clemins PJ, Winter JM, Beckage B, Klavens J, Page J. Daily Weather Estimator for Climate Projections Based on Nearest Neighbor Resampling. 14th Annual Climate Prediction Applications Science Workshop (CPASW). 2016 .
