Vermont EPSCoR Publications and Products

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Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Betts AK. The price we pay for ignoring climate change. Rutland Herald [Internet]. 2013 [cited 0BC]. Available from:
Gentine P, Betts AK, Lintner BR, Findell KL, van Heerwaarden CC, Tzella A, D'Andrea F. A probabilistic-bulk model of coupled mixed layer and convection: 1) Clear-sky case. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences [Internet]. 2013 [cited 0BC];70:130220123653007. Available from:
Gentine P, Betts AK, Lintner BR, Findell KL, van Heerwaarden CC, D'Andrea F. A probabilistic-bulk model of coupled mixed layer and convection: 2) Shallow convection case. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences [Internet]. 2013 [cited 0BC];70:130121122609007. Available from:
Boerger B, Garcia S. Rapid Deposition of Graphene Layers in MxRAM Devices. In: Nanotech 2013. Nanotech 2013. Washington DC; 2013.
Betts AK, Gibson E. Reflections on our environment, five years later. Rutland Herald [Internet]. 2013 [cited 0BC]. Available from:
Koliba C, Zia A, Scheinert S, Logan K. Research on Adaptation to Climate Change: 2013 Water Quality Survey. Research on Adaptation to Climate Change: 2013 Water Quality Survey [Internet]. 2013 [cited 0BC]. Available from:
Koliba C, Zia A. The Resiliency Challenge for Social Ecological Systems: Overcoming Institutional Silos Through Mediated Modeling. In: COMPACT II. COMPACT II. La Verne, CA; 2013.
Koliba C, Zia A. The Role of Governance Informatics in Promoting Accountability and Performance: Examples from Watershed Management and Transportation Planning. In: International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM) Annual Conference. International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM) Annual Conference. Prague, Czech Republic; 2013.
Manley P, Manley T. The R/V Folger a Floating Laboratory: Teaching Marine Science Skills on Lake Champlain (Invited). AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 2013 [cited 0BC].
Scott D, Hood ER, Vermilyea A, Schroth AW. SEASONAL NUTRIENT AND IRON FLUXES FROM A GLACIER ALONG THE GULF OF ALASKA: INSIGHT INTO MATERIAL EXPORT INTO COASTAL ESTUARIES. In: ASLO 2013 Aquatic Sciences Meeting. ASLO 2013 Aquatic Sciences Meeting. New Orleans, Lousiana; 2013.
Scheinert S, Koliba C, Zia A, Reynolds A. Seeking Simple Models of Highly Nuanced Systems: Building a Model of Water Quality Management. In: Annual Conference of the Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM). Annual Conference of the Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM). Washington DC; 2013. Available from:
Mohammed IN, Tarboton DG. Simulated watershed responses to land cover changes using the Regional Hydro-Ecological Simulation System. Hydrological Processes [Internet]. 2013 [cited 0BC]:n/a - n/a. Available from:
Betts AK. Spring resilience and fossil carbon taxes. Rutland Herald [Internet]. 2013 [cited 0BC]. Available from:
Mohammed IN, Wemple B, Bomblies A. Streamflow regime sensitivity to climate change impacts within Lake Champlain Basin. In: 2013 AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting. 2013 AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2013. Available from:
Butryn RS, Parrish DL, Rizzo DM. Summer stream temperature metrics for predicting brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) distribution in streams. Hydrobiologia [Internet]. 2013 [cited 0BC];703(1):47 - 57. Available from:
Schroth AW, Hood ER, Vermilyea A, Fellman JB, Scott D. TIME-SERIES INSIGHTS TO TRACE METAL DYNAMICS IN ALASKAN CATCHMENTS. In: ASLO Annual Conference. ASLO Annual Conference. New Orleans, Lousiana; 2013.
Scheinert S, Reynolds A, Koliba C, Zia A. Tracking Emergence in an Environmental Governance Network: Dynamic Network Analysis of Lake Champlain Basin Program’s Opportunities for Action Plans. In: Hamburg, Germany; 2013.
Pearce AR, Rizzo DM, Watzin MC, Druschel GK. Unraveling Associations between Cyanobacteria Blooms and In-Lake Environmental Conditions in Missisquoi Bay, Lake Champlain, USA, Using a Modified Self-Organizing Map. Environmental Science & Technology [Internet]. 2013 [cited 0BC];47(24):14267 - 14274. Available from:
Giles CD, Lee LG, Cade-Menun BJ, Rutila EC, Schroth AW, Xu Y, Hill JE, Druschel GK. The Use of Enzyme Hydrolysis to Assess the Seasonal Mobility and Bioavailability of Organic Phosphorus in Lake Sediments. In: American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2013. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2013. San Francisco, CA; 2013.
Stockwell JD, Weber TC, Baukus AJ, Jech JM. On the use of omnidirectional sonars and downwards-looking echosounders to assess pelagic fish distributions during and after midwater trawling. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 2013 [cited 0BC];70(1):196 - 203.
Fytilis N, Rizzo DM, Lamb RD, Kerans B, Stevens L. Using real-time PCR and Bayesian analysis to distinguish susceptible tubificid taxa important in the transmission of Myxobolus cerebralis, the cause of salmonid whirling disease. International Journal for Parasitology [Internet]. 2013 [cited 0BC];43(6):493 - 501. Available from:
Garibaldi LA, Steffan-Dewenter I, Winfree R, Aizen MA, Bommarco R, Cunningham SA, Kremen C, Carvalheiro LG, Harder LD, Afik O, et al. Wild Pollinators Enhance Fruit Set of Crops Regardless of Honey Bee Abundance. Science [Internet]. 2013 [cited 0BC];339(6127):1608 - 1611. Available from:
Dahiya A. Advanced Bioenergy Technologies for Northeast Region: an Algae Biofuel Perspective. In: Biocarburants d'algues 2012 Conference. Biocarburants d'algues 2012 Conference. Best Western Windjammer Inn, VT; 2012.
Dahiya A. Advanced Bioenergy Technologies for Vermont & New England Region. In: Renewable Energy Vermont. Renewable Energy Vermont. Sheraton, Burlington VT; 2012.
Dahiya A. Algae Biomass production for Biofuel integrated with Wastewater Treatment. In: International Biomass Conference & Expo. International Biomass Conference & Expo. Denver Colorado; 2012.
