Vermont EPSCoR Publications and Products

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Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Zia A, Koliba C. Agent Based Modeling of Intergovernmental Networks: Harnessing Experimental Simulations for Transportation Policy Informatics. In: The 35th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. The 35th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. Cambridge, MA: System Dynamics Society; 2017. Available from:
Anderson I, Rizzo DM, Huston DR, Dewoolkar MM. Analysis of bridge and stream conditions of over 300 Vermont bridges damaged in Tropical Storm Irene. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering [Internet]. 2017 :1-14. Available from:
Betts AK, Beljaars ACM. Analysis of near-surface biases in ERA-Interim over the Canadian Prairies. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems [Internet]. 2017 ;9. Available from:
Schroth AW, Crusius J, Gasso S, Moy CM, Buck NJ, Resing JA, Campbell RW. Atmospheric deposition of glacial iron in the Gulf of Alaska impacted by the position of the Aleutian Low. Geophysical Research Letters [Internet]. 2017 ;44(10):5053 - 5061. Available from:
Betts AK. Be grateful for global society. Rutland Herald [Internet]. 2017 . Available from:
Betts AK. Biblical floods and storms. Rutland Herald [Internet]. 2017 . Available from:
McCabe DJ. Caddisflies: Submerged Silk Spinners. Northern Woodlands [Internet]. 2017 . Available from:
Alghamdi S, Tan T, Hale-Sills C, Vilmont F, Xia T, Yang J, Huston DR, Dewoolkar MM. Catastrophic failure of nacre under pure shear stresses of torsion. Scientific Reports [Internet]. 2017 . Available from:
Ross DS, Wemple B, Balling C. Changes in Near-Stream Soil Phosphorus Resulting from Extreme-Event Driven Erosion. In: 2017 AGU (American Geophysical Union) Chapman Conference. 2017 AGU (American Geophysical Union) Chapman Conference. San Juan, PR: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2017. Available from:
Reusser LJ, Bierman PR, Rizzo DM, Portenga EW, Rood DH. Characterizing landscape-scale erosion using 10Be in detrital fluvial sediment: Slope-based sampling strategy detects the effect of widespread dams. Water Resources Research [Internet]. 2017 ;53(5):4476 - 4486. Available from:
Bowden WB, Lavallee A, McDowell WH, Newman D, Weiskittel A, Woodall C. Charting a future for research on the Northern Forest: NSRC partnerships to sustain forest research. In: 2017 Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative (FEMC) Conference. 2017 Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative (FEMC) Conference. Burlington, VT: Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative (FEMC); 2017. Available from:
Betts AK. Climate Change in Vermont. Vermont Climate Change Report for the Governor’s Vermont Climate Action Commission. [Internet]. 2017 . Available from:
Betts AK. Climate Change Indicators Are Not Enough. Eos [Internet]. 2017 . Available from:
Dupigny-Giroux L-A. Climate literacy. The International Encyclopaedia of Geography. 2017 [cited 0BC].
Isles PDF, Xu Y, Stockwell JD, Schroth AW. Climate-driven changes in energy and mass inputs systematically alter nutrient concentration and stoichiometry in deep and shallow regions of Lake Champlain. Biogeochemistry [Internet]. 2017 . Available from:
Zia A, Schroth AW, Xu Y, Isles PDF. Combined Temperature and Precipitation Variability May Increase the Frequency of Harmful Algal Blooms in Lake Champlain, 1992-2100. In: 2017 AGU (American Geophysical Union) Chapman Conference. 2017 AGU (American Geophysical Union) Chapman Conference. San Juan, PR: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2017. Available from:
Hamshaw SD, Dewoolkar MM, Bryce TG, Rizzo DM, O'Neil-Dunne J, Frolik J, Engel T. Comparison of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) to LIDAR for Streambank Erosion Measurement at the Site-Specific Scale. Vermont Geospatial Forum 2017 [Internet]. 2017 . Available from:
Rosenberg BD, Schroth AW. Coupling of reactive riverine phosphorus and iron species during hot transport moments: impacts of land cover and seasonality. Biogeochemistry [Internet]. 2017 :1-20. Available from:
Coleman S, Hurley S, Koliba C, Zia A. Crowdsourced Delphis: Designing Solutions to Complex Environmental Problems with Broad Stakeholder Participation. Global Environmental Change [Internet]. 2017 ;45(July 2017):111-123. Available from:
McCabe DJ. The Curious Case of the Cute “Face” Crane Fly. Northern Woodlands [Internet]. 2017 . Available from:
McCabe DJ. Deerflies. Northern Woodlands [Internet]. 2017 . Available from:
Zia A, Koliba C. Dynamics of Intergovernmental Networks: Harnessing Agent-Based Modeling Simulations for Resilient Infrastructures. Journal on Policy and Complex Systems [Internet]. 2017 ;3(2). Available from:
Hampton SE, Galloway AWE, Powers SM, Ozersky T, Woo KH, Batt RD, Labou SG, O'Reilly CM, Sharma S, Lottig NR, et al. Ecology under lake ice Grover J. Ecology Letters [Internet]. 2017 ;20(1):98 - 111. Available from:
Hecht JS, Zia A, Beckage B, Winter JM, Schroth AW, Bomblies A, Clemins PJ, Rizzo DM. Effects of changes in climate variability and extremes on the exceedance of critical algal bloom thresholds. 2017 AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting [Internet]. 2017 . Available from:
Seybold EC, Gold A, Inamdar S, Pradhanang S, Bowden WB, Vaughan M, Addy K, Shanley JB, Vermilyea A, Sleeper R, et al. Effects of land use on the timing and magnitude of dissolved organic carbon and nitrate fluxes: a regional analysis of high-frequency sensor measurements from forested, agricultural, and urban watersheds. 2017 AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting [Internet]. 2017 . Available from:
