Vermont EPSCoR Publications and Products

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Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Hamshaw SD, Javed A. HEDA: Hydrological Event Detection & Analysis. 2019 .
Lancellotti B. How do heavy rainfall events impact physical and chemical soil properties within riparian ecosystems?. In: 2019 UVM Student Research Conference. 2019 UVM Student Research Conference. Burlington, VT: University of Vermont (UVM); 2019. Available from:
Hamshaw SD, Javed A. Hydrological Event Detection & Analysis (HEDA) tool for streamflow and water quality time series. CUAHSI Conference on Hydroinformatics [Internet]. 2019 . Available from:
Hecht JS, Lacombe G, Arias ME, Dang TDuc, Piman T. Hydropower dams of the Mekong River basin: A review of their hydrological impacts. Journal of Hydrology [Internet]. 2019 ;568(January 2019):285 - 300. Available from:
McCabe DJ. Ice Capades. Northern Woodlands [Internet]. 2019 . Available from:
McCabe DJ. If It Looks Like A Snail, It Might Be A Caddisfly. Northern Woodlands [Internet]. 2019 . Available from:
Irizarry PGarcia, Lancellotti B, Kincaid D, Adair EC. Impacts of Land Use and Landscape Position in Denitrification Rates during Spring Snowmelt Period. 2019 SACNAS - The National Diversity in STEM Conference [Internet]. 2019 . Available from:
Hanrahan J, Shafer J. Improving Climate Change Literacy and Promoting Outreach in an Undergraduate Atmospheric Sciences Program. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society [Internet]. 2019 ;100(7):1209 - 1214. Available from:
Seybold E, Gold A, Inamdar S, Adair EC, Bowden WB, Vaughan M, Pradhanang S, Addy K, Shanley JB, Vermilyea A, et al. Influence of land use and hydrologic variability on seasonal dissolved organic carbon and nitrate export: insights from a multi-year regional analysis for the northeastern USA. Biogeochemistry [Internet]. 2019 ;146(1):31 - 49. Available from:
Oikonomou PD, Zia A, Schroth AW, Marti CL, Clemins PJ, Rizzo DM, Beckage B, Winter JM. An integrated Modeling Approach to Assess the Impact of Climate Change Induced Extreme Events and Non-Stationarity on Lake Cyanobacteria Blooms. In: 2019 AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting. 2019 AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2019. Available from:
Kline G, Manley T, Manley P. Investigating Depositional Algal Biomass in St. Albans Bay. 2019 Middlebury Student Spring Symposium [Internet]. 2019 . Available from:
Peraki M, Ghazanfari E, Pinder GF. Investigation of the Feasibility of Crude Oil Viscosity Change under an Applied Electrical Field in Porous Media and its Significance for Transport Phenomena. Journal of Porous Media [Internet]. 2019 ;22(6):631 - 646. Available from:,13a5713769b737e8.html
McCabe DJ. Life, Death, and Black Flies. Northern Woodlands [Internet]. 2019 . Available from:
Betts AK. Looking Back – Looking Ahead. Green Energy Times [Internet]. 2019 . Available from:
Tharp R, Westhelle K, Hurley S. Macrophyte performance in floating treatment wetlands on a suburban stormwater pond: Implications for cold climate conditions. Ecological Engineering [Internet]. 2019 ;136:152 - 159. Available from:
Adair EC, Barbieri L, Schiavone K, Darby H. Manure Application Decisions Impact Nitrous Oxide and Carbon Dioxide Emissions during Non-Growing Season Thaws. Soil Science Society of America Journal [Internet]. 2019 . Available from:
Young EO, Ross DS, Sherman J. Measuring Phosphorus Release in Laboratory Microcosms for Water Quality Assessment. Journal of Visualized Experiments [Internet]. 2019 ;(149). Available from:
Landsman-Gerjoi M. Measuring The Influence Of Environmental Conditions On Dissolved Organic Matter Biodegradability And Optical Properties: A Combined Field And Laboratory Study. Burlington, VT: University of Vermont (UVM); 2019. Available from:
Bailey SW, McGuire KJ, Ross DS, Green MB, Fraser OL. Mineral Weathering and Podzolization Control Acid Neutralization and Streamwater Chemistry Gradients in Upland Glaciated Catchments, Northeastern United States. Frontiers in Earth Science [Internet]. 2019 ;7. Available from:
Andrew K. Modeling Extreme Event Preparedness and Regulator Feedback in the Missisquoi Bay Area of Vermont. In: 2019 UVM Student Research Conference. 2019 UVM Student Research Conference. Burlington, VT: University of Vermont (UVM); 2019. Available from:
Huston DR, Farrell R, Orfeo DJ, Worley R, Pereira M, Xia T, Dewoolkar MM. Modeling of detensioning and transport of prefabricated and prestressed reinforced concrete bridge girders. In: 9th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII-9). 9th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII-9). St. Louis, MO: International Society for Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure; 2019. Available from:
Andrew K. Modeling the Cooperative and Adversarial Behaviors of Farmer and Regulator Agents in Vermont's Missisquoi Bay Area. In: Second Northeast Regional Conference on Complex Systems (NERCCS 2019). Second Northeast Regional Conference on Complex Systems (NERCCS 2019). Binghamton, NY: Northeast Regional Conference on Complex Systems (NERCCS); 2019. Available from:
McCabe DJ. Mosquitoes: Life Under Tension. Northern Woodlands [Internet]. 2019 . Available from:
Betts AK, Chan DZ, Desjardins R. Near-surface biases in ERA5 over the Canadian Prairies. Frontiers in Environmental Science [Internet]. 2019 ;7. Available from:
Wiltshire S, Zia A, Koliba C, Bucini G, Clark EM, Merrill S, Smith J, Moegenburg SM. Network Meta-Metrics: Using Evolutionary Computation to Identify Effective Indicators of Epidemiological Vulnerability in a Livestock Production System Model. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation [Internet]. 2019 ;22(2). Available from:
