Vermont EPSCoR Publications and Products

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Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Wu W, Liu Y, Betts AK. Observationally based evaluation of NWP reanalyses in modeling cloud properties over the Southern Great Plains. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres [Internet]. 2012 ;117(D12). Available from:
Giles CD, Richardson AE, Druschel GK, Hill JE. Organic Anion-Driven Solubilization of Precipitated and Sorbed Phytate Improves Hydrolysis by Phytases and Bioavailability to Nicotiana tabacum. Soil Science [Internet]. 2012 [cited 0BC];177(10):591 - 598. Available from:
Tang G, Beckage B, Smith B. The potential transient dynamics of forests in New England under historical and projected future climate change. Climatic Change [Internet]. 2012 [cited 0BC];114(2):357 - 377. Available from:
Isaac EJ, Hrabik TR, Stockwell JD, Gamble AE. Prey selection by the Lake Superior fish community. Journal of Great Lakes Research [Internet]. 2012 [cited 0BC];38(2):326 - 335. Available from:
Berry B, Suozzo M, Anderson I, Dewoolkar MM. Properties of pervious concrete incorporating recycled concrete aggregate. In: TRB Annual Meeting. TRB Annual Meeting. ; 2012. p. 3994. Available from:
Butchart SHM, Scharlemann JPW, Evans MI, Quader S, Aricò S, Arinaitwe J, Balman M, Bennun LA, Bertzky B, Besançon C, et al. Protecting Important Sites for Biodiversity Contributes to Meeting Global Conservation Targets Bennett PM. PLoS ONE [Internet]. 2012 ;7(3):e32529. Available from:
Koliba C, Gerrits L, Meek J, Rhodes ML. Public Administration within Complex Governance Systems: Proposal for the Next Generation for Theory, Research and Practice. In: American Society of Public Administration National Conference. American Society of Public Administration National Conference. Las Vegas, NV; 2012.
Troy A, Grove JM, O'Neil-Dunne J. The relationship between tree canopy and crime rates across an urban–rural gradient in the greater Baltimore region. Landscape and Urban Planning [Internet]. 2012 ;106(3):262 - 270. Available from:
Hobbie SE, Eddy WC, Buyarski CR, Adair EC, Ogdahl ML, Weisenhorn P. Response of decomposing litter and its microbial community to multiple forms of nitrogen enrichment. Ecological Monographs [Internet]. 2012 [cited 0BC];82(3):389 - 405. Available from:
Zia A, Glantz MH. Risk Zones: Comparative Lesson Drawing and Policy Learning from Flood Insurance Programs. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice. 2012 [cited 0BC];14(2):143 - 159.
Betts AK. Rutland PEG-TV21, Vermont’s changing weather and climate. Insight interview with Laura Vien. [Internet]. 2012 [cited 0BC]. Available from: node/825
Dupigny-Giroux L-A, Toolin R, Hogan S, Fortney MD. The Satellites, Weather and Climate (SWAC) Teacher Professional Development Program: Making the Case for Climate and Geospatial Literacy. Journal of Geoscience Education [Internet]. 2012 ;60(2):133 - 146. Available from:
Schroth AW, Crusius J, Kroger KD, Hoyer IR, Osburn CL. Seasonal fluctuation and estuarine removal of glacially-derived iron fluxes to the Gulf of Alaska. In: American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2012. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2012. AGU Fall Meet; 2012.
Dewoolkar MM, Lens JE, Hayden NJ. Service-Learning Design Projects to Enhance Geotechnical Engineering Education. In: Hryciw RD, Athanasopoulos-Zekkos A, Yesiller N GeoCongress 2012. GeoCongress 2012. Oakland, California, United StatesReston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers; 2012. pp. 1283 - 1292. Available from:
King JY, Brandt L, Adair EC. Shedding light on plant litter decomposition: advances, implications and new directions in understanding the role of photodegradation. Biogeochemistry [Internet]. 2012 [cited 0BC];111(1-3):57 - 81. Available from:
Gouli V. Short information about the global trends regarding fungal genomics and biology. Fungal Genomics and Biology [Internet]. 2012 [cited 0BC];2:104. Available from:
Flinn MB, Bowden WB, Balser AW, Jones JB, Gooseff MN. Soil and Water Chemistry Characteristics of Thermo-Erosional Features in the Western Noatak River Basin, Alaska, USA. In: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Permafrost. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Permafrost. Salekhard, Russia; 2012.
Hanley JP, Stevens-Goodnight S, Kulkarni S, Bustamante DM, Fytilis N, Goff P, Monroy MC, Morrissey LA, Orantes L, Stevens L, et al. Training Systems Modelers through the Development of a Multi-scale Chagas Disease Risk Model. In: EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting. EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA; 2012.
Springston GE, Underwood KL, Robinson K, Swanberg N. Tropical Storm Irene and the White River Watershed of Vermont: Flood Magnitude and Geomorphic Impacts. Guidebook to Field Trips in Western New Hampshire and Adjacent Vermont and Massachusetts. In: New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference. New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference. Mount Sunapee Resort, Newbury, New Hampshire; 2012. pp. B1-1 to B1-41. Available from:*mcewAQgjkC5bVu3HEtKcIs3WCRzV3H9WrkiRfMQmzCeCV/NEIGC_FieldTrips.pdf
Reich PB, Frelich LE, Voldseth R, Bakken P, Adair EC. Understorey diversity in southern boreal forests is regulated by productivity and its indirect impacts on resource availability and heterogeneity. Journal of Ecology [Internet]. 2012 [cited 0BC];100(2):539–545. Available from:
Fitzgerald EP, Bowden WB, Parker SP, Kline ML. Urban Impacts on Streams are Scale-Dependent With Nonlinear Influences on Their Physical and Biotic Recovery in Vermont, United States. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association [Internet]. 2012 [cited 0BC]:no - no. Available from:
Zia A, Koliba C. Using Pattern-Oriented Models as the Foundation of Governance Informatics Platforms: Examples from the Field. In: American Society of Public Administration National Conference. American Society of Public Administration National Conference. Las Vegas, NV; 2012.
Betts AK. Vermont winters are changing rapidly. Rutland Herald [Internet]. 2012 [cited 0BC]. Available from:
Gibson E, Betts AK. Vermonters debate wind energy: Public input is part of the process. Rutland Herald [Internet]. 2012 [cited 0BC]. Available from:
Gouli V, Gouli S, Skinner M, Hamilton G, Kim JS, Parker BL. Virulence of select entomopathogenic fungi to the brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Stål) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Pest Management Science [Internet]. 2012 [cited 0BC];68(2):155 - 157. Available from:
