Vermont EPSCoR Publications and Products

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Submitted Publications and Products
Dahiya A. Algal growth system process utilizing intermediate products. Submitted Publications and Products .
Wlostowski AN, Gooseff MN, Wollheim W, Bowden WB. Breakthrough curve decomposition: A conceptual framework for analyzing solute transport processes in rivers, independent of 1D numerical transport models. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods. Submitted Publications and Products [cited 0BC].
Pennington D, Ricketts TH, Naidoo R. Ecosystem Services and Conservation Planning. Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. Submitted Publications and Products [cited 0BC].
Lovato J, Zimmerman JW, Smith I, Dodds PS, Karson J. Foregrounding Artist Opinions: A Survey Study on Transparency, Ownership, and Fairness in AI Generative Art. In: 2024 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (ACM FAccT). 2024 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (ACM FAccT). Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM); Submitted Publications and Products. Available from:
Zia A, Koliba C. Lags and Inertia in the Proactive Management of Environmental Risks: How Scale and Ideology Affect Climate Change Risk Perceptions?. In: 2012 Annual Meeting of Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management. 2012 Annual Meeting of Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management. ; Submitted Publications and Products.
Borg JL, Bierman PR, Dewoolkar MM. Meteoric 10Be adhered to suspended sediment: source and transport dynamics in a large New England watershed. Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface. Submitted Publications and Products [cited 0BC].
Isles PDF, Nichols JE, Peteet DM. Reconstructing microtopography and plant community characteristics using n-alkane distributions and compound-specific ?13C signatures in ombrotrophic peat. Organic Geochemistry. Submitted Publications and Products [cited 0BC].
Dahiya A. Symbiotic Algae System. Submitted Publications and Products .
Dahiya A. Symbiotic Algae System with Advanced Reactor. Submitted Publications and Products .
Scott D, Hood ER, Vermilyea A, Schroth AW. Time-series fluxes of meltwater-derived nutrients to the Gulf of Alaska. Geophysical Research Letters. Submitted Publications and Products [cited 0BC].
Accepted Publications and Products
Zia A, Metcalf SS, Koliba C, Widner M. Agent Based Models of Cross-Jurisdictional Governance Networks: Simulating the Emergence of Project Prioritization Patterns Under Alternate Policy Theoretical Frameworks and Network Structures. Emergence: Complexity & Organization. Accepted Publications and Products [cited 0BC].
Beerman A. Science of Stories: Forecasting Mental Health Outcomes of Patients. In: Trauma Center Association of America (TCAA) 26th Annual Trauma Conference. Trauma Center Association of America (TCAA) 26th Annual Trauma Conference. Nashville, TN: Trauma Center Association of America (TCAA); Accepted Publications and Products.
Koliba C, Zia A. Theory Testing Using Complex Systems Modeling in Public Administration and Policy Studies: Challenges and Opportunities for a Meta-Theoretical Research Program. Emergence: Complexity & Organization. Accepted Publications and Products [cited 0BC].
Koliba C, Wiltshire S, Zia A, Scheinert S, Campbell E. The Value Proposition of a Partnership Network: Using Network Analysis to Assess the Importance of New Tie Development and Sub-network Functionality. Public Management Review. Accepted Publications and Products .
Under Review
Zimmerman JW, Hudon D, Cramer K, Onge JSt., Fudolig MI, Trujillo MZ, Danforth CM, Dodds PS. A blind spot for large language models: Supradiegetic linguistic information. [Internet]. Under Review . Available from:
Arnold MV, Dodds PS, Danforth CM. Curating corpora with classifiers: A case study of clean energy sentiment online. [Internet]. Under Review . Available from:
Briccetti L, Doran EMB, Coleman K. Forest Landowner Understanding of Water Quality Protection Practices: Case study in the Lake Champlain Basin. Small Scale Forestry. Under Review .
Miatke B, Rizzo DM, Underwood KL, Schroth AW. A Framework for Estimating Nutrient and Sediment Loads that Leverages the Temporal Variability Embedded in Water Monitoring Data. Journal of Great Lakes Research. Under Review .
Oka LG, Dewoolkar MM. Laboratory investigation of a sand with non-plastic fines for evaluating shear wave velocity-based simplified procedure. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. Under Review .
Hagan DS, Dubief Y, Dewoolkar MM. Numerical simulation of particle bed scour by vortices. Journal of Turbulence. Under Review .
Wiltshire S, Logan K, Merrill S, Fooks J. Size matters: Innovation diffusion in a clustered social network. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics. Under Review .
Zia A, Messer K, Ding S, Miao H, Suter J, Fooks J, Guilfoos T, Trandafir S, Uchida E, Tsai Y-S, et al. Spatial effects of sensor information in inducing cooperative behaviors for managing non-point source pollution: Evidence from a decision game in an idealized watershed. Ecological Economics. Under Review .
