Vermont EPSCoR Publications and Products

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Koh I, Lonsdorf EV, Williams NM, Brittain C, Isaacs R, Gibbs J, Ricketts TH. Modeling the status, trends, and impacts of wild bee abundance in the United States. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences [Internet]. 2015 :201517685. Available from:
Bomblies A. Modeling the role of rainfall patterns in seasonal malaria transmission. Climatic Change [Internet]. 2012 [cited 0BC];112(3-4):673 - 685. Available from:
Hamed AA, Mohammed IN, Bucini G, Tsai Y-S, Isles PDF, Turnbull S, Zia A, Rynge M. Modeling the impacts of climate change on water quality in lake Champlain: Design of an integrated assessment model using Pegasus scientific workflow. In: 2014 Vermont Monitoring Cooperative and Mt. Mansfield science and stewardship conference. 2014 Vermont Monitoring Cooperative and Mt. Mansfield science and stewardship conference. Burlington, VT; 2014. Available from:
Stryker J, Wemple B, Bomblies A. Modeling the impacts of changing climatic extremes on streamflow and sediment yield in a northeastern US watershed. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies [Internet]. 2018 ;17:83 - 94. Available from:
Stryker J, Wemple B, Bomblies A. Modeling sediment mobilization using a distributed hydrology model coupled with a bank stability model. Water Resources Research [Internet]. 2017 . Available from:
Xu Y, Boeing WJ. Modeling maximum lipid productivity of microalgae: Review and next step. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2014 [cited 0BC];32:29 - 39.
Bitterman P, Koliba C. Modeling Alternative Collaborative Governance Network Designs: An Agent-Based Model of Water Governance in the Lake Champlain Basin, Vermont. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory [Internet]. 2020 ;30(4):636 - 655. Available from:
Chichakly KJ, Bowden WB, Eppstein MJ. Minimization of cost, sediment load, and sensitivity to climate change in a watershed management application. Environmental Modelling & Software [Internet]. 2013 ;50:158 - 168. Available from:
Shakun JD, Corbett LB, Bierman PR, Underwood KL, Rizzo DM, Zimmerman SR, Caffee MW, Naish T, Golledge NR, Hay CC. Minimal East Antarctic Ice Sheet retreat onto land during the past eight million years. Nature [Internet]. 2018 ;558:284 - 287. Available from:
Bailey SW, McGuire KJ, Ross DS, Green MB, Fraser OL. Mineral Weathering and Podzolization Control Acid Neutralization and Streamwater Chemistry Gradients in Upland Glaciated Catchments, Northeastern United States. Frontiers in Earth Science [Internet]. 2019 ;7. Available from:
Bayrd V, Jacobs G, Schmitz P, Strachan S, Clemins P, Harris, Jr FC. Minding the Gap: Leveraging Cyberinfrastructure to Transform EPSCoR Jurisdictions. [Internet]. 2023 . Available from:
Byron CJ, Pershing AJ, Stockwell JD, Xue H, Kocik J. Migration model of post-smolt Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar ) in the Gulf of Maine. Fisheries Oceanography [Internet]. 2014 [cited 0BC];23(2):172 - 189. Available from:
Larouche JR, Bowden WB, Giordano R, Flinn MB, Crump BC. Microbial Biogeography of Arctic Streams: Exploring Influences of Lithology and Habitat. Frontiers in Microbiology [Internet]. 2012 [cited 0BC];3(309):1-9. Available from:
Sanders JJ, Blanch-Hartigan D, Ericson J, Tarbi E, Rizzo DM, Gramling R, vanVliet L. Methodological innovations to strengthen evidence-based serious illness communication. Patient Education and Counseling [Internet]. 2023 ;114:107790. Available from:
Borg JL, Bierman PR, Dewoolkar MM. Meteoric 10Be adhered to suspended sediment: source and transport dynamics in a large New England watershed. Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface. Submitted Publications and Products [cited 0BC].
Borg JL, Bierman PR, Dewoolkar MM. Meteoric 10Be adhered to suspended sediment: source and transport dynamics in a large New England watershed. Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface. Submitted Publications and Products [cited 0BC].
Orfeo DJ, Burns D, Farrell R, Qin M, Mitchell H, Ou C, Xia T, Huston DR. Mechano-Magnetic Telemetry for Underground Water Infrastructure Monitoring. Frontiers in Built Environment [Internet]. 2018 ;4(29). Available from:
Hamed AA, Mohammed IN, Isles PDF, Rynge M, Bucini G, Tsai Y-S, Zia A. Measuring The Climate Change Impact on Water Quality Using a Weather Generator Pegasus Workflow. In: IAGLR 58th Annual Conference on Great Lake Research. IAGLR 58th Annual Conference on Great Lake Research. Burlington, VT; 2015. Available from:
McCabe DJ, Hayes-Pontius EM, Canepa A, Berry KS, Levine BC. Measuring standardized effect size improves interpretation of biomonitoring studies and facilitates meta-analysis. Freshwater Science. 2012 [cited 0BC];31(3):800-812.
Betts AK. Marching toward our climate future. Rutland Herald [Internet]. 2014 . Available from:
Xu Y, Boeing WJ. Mapping biofuel field: A bibliometric evaluation of research output. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2013 [cited 0BC];28:82 - 91.
Adair EC, Barbieri L, Schiavone K, Darby H. Manure Application Decisions Impact Nitrous Oxide and Carbon Dioxide Emissions during Non-Growing Season Thaws. Soil Science Society of America Journal [Internet]. 2019 . Available from:
McCabe DJ, Roberge J, Wieland L, Clemins PJ, Exler S, Pontius EHayes, Gamache L, Benedetto E, Gould J, Mai M, et al. MacroInvertebrates 2.0. [Internet]. 2016 . Available from:
Zia A, Lacasse K, Fefferman N, Beckage B, Gross L. Machine Learning a Probabilistic Structural Equation Model to Explain the Impact of Climate Risk Perceptions on Policy Support. In: 2021 Bratislava Conference Earth System Governance. 2021 Bratislava Conference Earth System Governance. Bratislava, Slovakia: Earth System Governance; 2021. Available from:
