Vermont EPSCoR Publications and Products

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Koliba C, Zia A, Schroth AW, Bomblies A, Van Houten J, Rizzo DM. The Lake Champlain Basin as a Complex Adaptive System: Insights from the Research on Adaptation to Climate Change (RACC) Project. Vermont Journal of Environmental Law [Internet]. 2016 ;17(4):533-563. Available from:
Koliba C, Zia A, Scheinert S. Modeling Governance and Policy Drivers of Water Quality in Light of Climate Change: the Place of Public Administration Theory within a Transdisciplinary Research Project. In: 20th International Research Society on Public Management Conference 2016. 20th International Research Society on Public Management Conference 2016. Hong Kong: International Research Society on Public Management (IRSPM); 2016. Available from:
Zia A, Tsai Y-S, Turnbull S, Koliba C. Multi-Scale Modeling of Land-Use Land Cover Change (LULCC) in Social Ecological Systems: An Agent Based Model of Missisquoi Watershed in the Lake Champlain Basin, 2000‐2100. In: 2016 Nairobi Conference on Earth System Governance. 2016 Nairobi Conference on Earth System Governance. Nairobi, Kenya: Earth System Governance; 2016. Available from:
Scheinert S, Koliba C. Policy Tool Communities: Fitting the Network to the Tool. In: ASPA 2016 Annual Conference. ASPA 2016 Annual Conference. Seattle, WA: American Society for Public Administration; 2016. Available from:
Koliba C, Scheinert S, Zia A. Toward a New Economics of Networks: Using Institutional Network Analysis to Study Principal-Agent and Peer-to-Peer Ties. In: ASPA 2016 Annual Conference. ASPA 2016 Annual Conference. Seattle, WA: American Society for Public Administration; 2016. Available from:
Schulz A, Zia A, Koliba C. Adapting bridge infrastructure to climate change: institutionalizing resilience in intergovernmental transportation planning processes in the Northeastern USA. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change [Internet]. 2015 :1-24. Available from:
Scheinert S, Koliba C, Zia A, Tsai Y-S, Coleman S. Bridging the Meso and Micro Level Scales of Social Complexity Within a Socio-Ecological System: Modeling the Relationship Between Governance Networks and Land Use/Management Decisions in the Northeastern Region of the Lake Champlain Basin. In: Conference on Complex Systems 2015. Conference on Complex Systems 2015. Tempe, AZ: Complex Systems Society; 2015. Available from:
Mills RW, Koliba C. The challenge of accountability in complex regulatory networks: The case of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Regulation & Governance [Internet]. 2015 ;9(1):77 - 91. Available from:
Koliba C. Civil Society Organization Accountability within Governance Networks. In: Civil Society, the Third Sector and Social Enterprise: Governance and Democracy. Civil Society, the Third Sector and Social Enterprise: Governance and Democracy. New York: Routledge Press; 2015. Available from:
Wiltshire S, Logan K, Merrill S, Koliba C, Fooks J. Diffusion of Agricultural BMP Adoption: Lessons from a Peer Network Experiment. UVM Student Research Conference. 2015 .
Koliba C, Zia A. Educating Public Administrators and Policy Analysts in the Era of Policy and Governance Informatics. In: Policy Practice and Digital Science. Policy Practice and Digital Science. Springer; 2015. pp. 15-34. Available from:
Novak DC, Koliba C, Zia A, Tucker M. Evaluating the outcomes associated with an innovative change in a state-level transportation project prioritization process: A case study of Vermont. Transport Policy [Internet]. 2015 ;42:130 - 143. Available from:
Scheinert S, Zia A, Koliba C. Examining the Links between the Empirical and the Computational: Measuring Baseline Change in Empirical Governance Networks using Agent-Based Modeling. In: American Society for Public Administration Annual Conference. American Society for Public Administration Annual Conference. Chicago, IL; 2015. Available from:
Zia A, Tsai Y-S, Koliba C, Turnbull S. Experimental Simulations of Land-Use Land Cover Change (LULCC) Under Heterogeneous Policy Regimes: An Agent Based Model of Rural-Urban-Forest Interface in the Missisquoi Watershed of Lake Champlain Basin, 2000-2050. In: Conference on Complex Systems 2015. Conference on Complex Systems 2015. Tempe, AZ: Complex Systems Society; 2015. Available from:
Koliba C, Zia A. Governance Informatics: Using computer simulation models to deepen situational awareness and governance design considerations. In: Governance in the Information Era: Theory and Practice of Policy Informatics. Governance in the Information Era: Theory and Practice of Policy Informatics. London, UK: Routledge; 2015. pp. 189-212. Available from:
Tsai Y-S, Zia A, Koliba C, Bucini G, Guilbert J, Beckage B. An interactive land use transition agent-based model (ILUTABM): Endogenizing human-environment interactions in the Western Missisquoi Watershed. Land Use Policy [Internet]. 2015 ;49:161 - 176. Available from:
Koliba C, Reynolds A, Zia A, Scheinert S. Isomorphic Properties of Network Governance: Comparing Two Watershed Governance Initiatives in the Lake Champlain Basin Using Institutional Network Analysis. Complexity, Governance & Networks [Internet]. 2015 ;(2). Available from:
Koliba C, Koopenjan J. Managing Networks as Complex Adaptive Systems. In: Public Management and governance. 3rdrd ed. Public Management and governance. New York: Routledge Press; 2015.
Logan K, Wiltshire S, Merrill S, Koliba C, Fooks J. Policy Implications from a Social Learning Economics Experiment Addressing Dairy Farm Rotational Grazing. In: American Society for Public Administration. American Society for Public Administration. Chicago, IL; 2015.
Scheinert S, Koliba C, Zia A. Roles and Positions for Comparison: Using Block Modeling to Compare Planned and Empirical Implementation Networks in the Lake Champlain Basin. In: American Society for Public Administration Annual Conference. American Society for Public Administration Annual Conference. Chicago, IL; 2015. Available from:
Zia A, Koliba C, Meek J, Schulz A. Scale and intensity of collaboration as determinants of performance management gaps in polycentric governance networks: Evidence from a national survey of metropolitan planning organisations (MPOs). Policy & Politics [Internet]. 2015 . Available from:
Scheinert S, Koliba C, Hurley S, Coleman S, Zia A. The Shape of Watershed Governance: Locating the Boundaries of Multiplex Networks. Complexity, Governance & Networks [Internet]. 2015 ;2(1). Available from:
Zia A, Tsai Y-S, Turnbull S, Koliba C. Simulating Land-Use Land Cover Change (LULCC) at Watershed Scales under Heterogeneous Policy Designs: An Agent Based Model of Missisquoi Watershed in the Lake Champlain Basin, 2000-2040. In: SwarmFest 2015. SwarmFest 2015. Columbia, SC; 2015. Available from:
Fernandez L, Koliba C, Zia A, Cheung K, Solomon R, Jones C. System Dynamics Modeling Can be Leveraged to Predict Critical Care Pathways and Costs for End Stage Renal Disease: US Population to 2020. Journal of Health Economics and Outcomes Research [Internet]. 2015 ;3(1):24 - 33. Available from:
Koliba C. Accounting for Human Behavior and Decision Making in modeling Watershed and Basin Wide Dynamics. In: 2014 New England Association of Environmental Biologists (NEAEB). 2014 New England Association of Environmental Biologists (NEAEB). Burlington VT; 2014.
