Vermont EPSCoR Publications and Products

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Perdrial JN, Adler T, Bristol C, Underwood KL, Rizzo DM, Wen H, Li L, Harpold AA, Sterle G, Hanley J. Combining complex systems analyses with process observations to understand stream dissolved organic carbon across scales. Goldschmidt 2020 [Internet]. 2020 . Available from:
Zia A, Schroth AW, Hecht JS, Isles PDF, Clemins PJ, Turnbull S, Bitterman P, Tsai Y-S, Mohammed IN, Bucini G, et al. Climate change‐legacy phosphorus synergy hinders lake response to aggressive water policy targets. Earth's Future [Internet]. 2022 ;10(5):e2021EF002234. Available from:
Reusser LJ, Bierman PR, Rizzo DM, Portenga EW, Rood DH. Characterizing landscape-scale erosion using 10Be in detrital fluvial sediment: Slope-based sampling strategy detects the effect of widespread dams. Water Resources Research [Internet]. 2017 ;53(5):4476 - 4486. Available from:
Guilbert J, Betts AK, Rizzo DM, Beckage B, Bomblies A. Characterization of increased persistence and intensity of precipitation in the northeastern United States. Geophysical Research Letters [Internet]. 2015 :n/a - n/a. Available from:
Guilbert J, Betts AK, Rizzo DM, Bomblies A. Characterization of increased persistence and intensity of precipitation in the northeastern United States. American Geophysical Union . 2014 .
Seigel RM, Bomblies A, Rizzo DM, Dewoolkar MM. Bridge-Stream Network Assessment to Identify Sensitive Structural and Hydraulic Parameters for Planning Flood Mitigation. 2020 TIDC Annual New England Transportation Infrastructure Durability Conference [Internet]. 2020 . Available from:
Javed A, Lee BSuk, Rizzo DM. A benchmark study on time series clustering. Machine Learning with Applications [Internet]. 2020 ;1:100001. Available from:
Fytilis N, Rizzo DM. Bayesian Characterization of the Stream Habitat Community Structure using Genetic (PCR) Data. In: A.A. Balkema Pubs., at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. A.A. Balkema Pubs., at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Urbana, Illinois; 2012.
Hamshaw SD, Denu D, Holthuijzen M, Wshah S, Rizzo DM. Automating the Classification of Hysteresis in Event Concentration-Discharge Relationships. In: SEDHYD 2019. SEDHYD 2019. Reno, NV: SEDHYD, INC.; 2019. Available from:
Demarest B, Gramling CJ, Macha N, Alexander SC, Rizzo DM, Gramling R, Cheney N. Automating Loneliness and Social Connection Identification in Clinician-Patient Conversations with Machine Learning. In: ICCH 2023 (International Conference on Communication in Healthcare). ICCH 2023 (International Conference on Communication in Healthcare). Rio Grande, Puerto Rico: Academy of Communication in Healthcare (ACH); 2023. Available from:
Wemple B, Garvey KM, Morrissey LA, Pechenick AM, Rizzo DM, Ross DS. Assessing the Effects of Unpaved Road Networks on Downstream Water Quality in a Froested, Upland landscape: A Multi-scale Approach. In: EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting. EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA; 2012.
Wemple B, Ross DS, Morrissey LA, Rizzo DM. Assessing the Effects of Unpaved Road Networks on Downstream Water Quality in a Froested, Upland landscape: A Multi-scale Approach. In: 24th Annual Northeastern Nonpoint Source Conference. 24th Annual Northeastern Nonpoint Source Conference. Burlington, VT; 2013.
Mathon BR, Rizzo DM, Kline ML, Alexander G, Fiske S, Langdon R, Stevens L. Assessing Linkages in Stream Habitat, Geomorphic Condition, and Biological Integrity Using a Generalized Regression Neural Network. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association [Internet]. 2013 [cited 0BC];49(2):415 - 430. Available from:
Tarbi EC, Durieux BN, Kwok A, Rizzo DM, Lindvall C. Artificial intelligence for serious illness communication: Proactive approaches to mitigating harm. Journal of Medicine and Philosophy. Awaiting Publication .
Xu Y, Schroth AW, Isles PDF, Rizzo DM, Stockwell JD. Applying spectral analysis to quantify the drivers of cyanobacterial blooms. In: IAGLR's 58th Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research. IAGLR's 58th Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research. Burlington, VT; 2015.
Tsai MH, Breidenstein MW, Flanagan TF, Seong A, Kadry B, Rizzo DM, Urman RD. Applying Performance Frontiers in Operating Room Management. A & A Practice [Internet]. 2018 ;11(11):321 - 327. Available from:
Hamshaw SD, Denu D, Dewoolkar MM, Holthuijzen M, Wshah S, Rizzo DM. Applying Deep Learning to Event Concentration-Discharge Hysteresis Patterns to Reveal Differences in Sediment Dynamics across Contrasting Watersheds. 2018 AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting [Internet]. 2018 . Available from:
Hamshaw SD, Engel T, Rizzo DM, O'Neil-Dunne J, Dewoolkar MM. Application of unmanned aircraft system (UAS) for monitoring bank erosion along river corridors. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk [Internet]. 2019 ;10(1):1285 - 1305. Available from:
Underwood KL, Rizzo DM, Perdrial JN, Li L, Wen H, Adler T. Application of machine-learning tools to extract patterns in long-term DOC monitoring data: an integrated, multi-scale approach. In: 2018 AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting. 2018 AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting. Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2018. Available from:
Underwood KL, Rizzo DM, Dewoolkar MM, Kline M. Analysis of reach-scale sediment process domains in glacially-conditioned catchments using self-organizing maps. Geomorphology [Internet]. 2021 ;382:107684. Available from:
Anderson I, Rizzo DM, Huston DR, Dewoolkar MM. Analysis of bridge and stream conditions of over 300 Vermont bridges damaged in Tropical Storm Irene. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering [Internet]. 2017 :1-14. Available from:
Krupa JS, Rizzo DM, Eppstein MJ, Lanute DB, Gaalema DE, Lakkaraju K, Warrender CE. Analysis of a consumer survey on plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice [Internet]. 2014 ;64:14 - 31. Available from:
Eppstein MJ, Grover DK, Marshall JS, Rizzo DM. An agent-based model to study market penetration of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. Energy Policy [Internet]. 2011 [cited 0BC];39(6):3789 - 3802. Available from:
Matt JE, Rizzo DM, Javed A, Eppstein MJ, Manukyan V, Gramling C, Dewoolkar AM, Gramling R. An Acoustical and Lexical Machine-Learning Pipeline to Identify Connectional Silences. Journal of Palliative Medicine [Internet]. 2023 ;26(12):1627 - 1633. Available from:
