Vermont EPSCoR Publications and Products

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Filters: Author is Betts, Alan K. and Keyword is snow cover  [Clear All Filters]
Book Chapter
Betts AK, Desjardins RL. Understanding Land–Atmosphere–Climate Coupling Using Data from the Canadian Prairies. In: Shrestha DHim Lal Challenging Issues on Environment and Earth Science. Vol. 5. Challenging Issues on Environment and Earth Science. Book Publisher International (a part of SCIENCEDOMAIN International); 2021. pp. 32 - 59. Available from:
Betts AK, Desjardins R, Strunecka A. Understanding Land–Atmosphere–Climate Coupling from the Canadian Prairie Dataset. In: Prime Archives in Environmental Research. 1stst ed. Prime Archives in Environmental Research. Hyderabad, India: Vide Leaf; 2020. Available from: