Vermont EPSCoR Publications and Products

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Santana-Pruna V, Wemple B, Ross DS, Perillo VL. Watershed and Lake Bio-Geochemistry: Movement of Phosphorus and Sediments from Forested Areas into Water Bodies. 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting [Internet]. 2016 . Available from:
Cruz J, Drago S, Diehl R, Ross DS, Wemple B. A Spatial Investigation of Floodplain Deposition in the Lake Champlain Basin of Vermont. 2019 SACNAS - The National Diversity in STEM Conference [Internet]. 2019 . Available from:
Lancellotti B, Ross DS, Adair EC, Schroth AW, Perdrial JN. Quantifying Phosphorus Retention in Soils of Riparian Buffers Influenced by Different Land Use Practices. 2017 AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting [Internet]. 2017 . Available from:
Perillo VL, Balling C, Ross DS, Wemple B. Preliminary Characterization of Organic Phosphorus Species in Soils Along the Missisquoi River (Vermont, USA). 2015 Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting [Internet]. 2015 . Available from:
Ross DS, Ishee ER, Garvey KM, Bourgault RR. Phosphorus Contribution from Eroding Streambank Soils of Vermont's Lake Champlain Basin. 2015 Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting [Internet]. 2015 . Available from:
Journal Article
Sebestyen SD, Ross DS, Shanley JB, Elliott EM, Kendall C, Campbell JL, D. Dail B, Fernandez IJ, Goodale CL, Lawrence GB, et al. Unprocessed Atmospheric Nitrate in Waters of the Northern Forest Region in the U.S. and Canada. Environmental Science & Technology [Internet]. 2019 ;53(7):3620 - 3633. Available from:
Perillo VL, Ross DS, Wemple B, Balling C, Lemieux LE. Stream Corridor Soil Phosphorus Availability in a Forested–Agricultural Mixed Land Use Watershed. Journal of Environment Quality [Internet]. 2019 ;48(1):185-192. Available from:
Pardo LH, Templer PH, Goodale CL, Duke S, Groffman PM, Adams MB, Boeckx P, Boggs J, Campbell J, Colman B, et al. Regional Assessment of N Saturation using Foliar and Root ?15 N. Biogeochemistry [Internet]. 2006 [cited 0BC];80(2):143 - 171. Available from:
Young EO, Ross DS, Cade-Menun BJ, Liu CW. Phosphorus Speciation in Riparian Soils: A Phosphorus-31 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Enzyme Hydrolysis Study. Soil Science Society of America Journal [Internet]. 2013 [cited 0BC];77(5):1636. Available from:
Young EO, Ross DS. Phosphorus Mobilization in Flooded Riparian Soils From the Lake Champlain Basin, VT, USA. Frontiers in Environmental Science [Internet]. 2018 ;6. Available from:
Young EO, Ross DS, Hoskins BR. Phosphorus in Morgan Soil Test Extracts Measured By Molybdate Colorimetric and Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectroscopy Methods. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis [Internet]. 2017 ;48(20):2434 - 2446. Available from:
Ishee ER, Ross DS, Garvey KM, Bourgault RR, Ford CR. Phosphorus Characterization and Contribution from Eroding Streambank Soils of Vermont’s Lake Champlain Basin. Journal of Environmental Quality [Internet]. 2015 . Available from:
Ross DS, Hales HC, Lanzirotti A. Oxidation of Added Mn(II) in Soils Observed by XANES Spectroscopy and Cr(III) Oxidation. Soil Science Society of America Journal [Internet]. 2013 [cited 0BC];77(6):1996. Available from:
Ross DS, Fredriksen G, Jamison AE, Wemple B, Bailey SW, Shanley JB, Lawrence GB. One-day rate measurements for estimating net nitrification potential in humid forest soils. Forest Ecology and Management [Internet]. 2006 [cited 0BC];230(1-3):91 - 95. Available from:
Bailey SW, McGuire KJ, Ross DS, Green MB, Fraser OL. Mineral Weathering and Podzolization Control Acid Neutralization and Streamwater Chemistry Gradients in Upland Glaciated Catchments, Northeastern United States. Frontiers in Earth Science [Internet]. 2019 ;7. Available from:
Young EO, Ross DS, Sherman J. Measuring Phosphorus Release in Laboratory Microcosms for Water Quality Assessment. Journal of Visualized Experiments [Internet]. 2019 ;(149). Available from:
Gannon JP, McGuire KJ, Bailey SW, Bourgault RR, Ross DS. Lateral water flux in the unsaturated zone: A mechanism for the formation of spatial soil heterogeneity in a headwater catchment. Hydrological Processes [Internet]. 2017 ;31(20):3568 - 3579. Available from:
Bailey SW, Brousseau PA, McGuire KJ, Ross DS. Influence of landscape position and transient water table on soil development and carbon distribution in a steep, headwater catchment. Geoderma [Internet]. 2014 [cited 0BC]. Available from:
Vidon P, Karwan DL, Andres S, Inamdar S, Kaushal S, Morrison J, Mullaney J, Ross DS, Schroth AW, Shanley JB, et al. In the path of the Hurricane: Impact of Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee on watershed hydrology and biogeochemistry from North Carolina to Maine, USA. Biogeochemistry [Internet]. 2018 :1 - 14. Available from:
Ross DS, Wemple B, Willson LJ, Balling C, Underwood KL, Hamshaw SD. Impact of an Extreme Storm Event on River Corridor Bank Erosion and Phosphorus Mobilization in a Mountainous Watershed in the Northeastern United States. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences [Internet]. 2018 . Available from:
Wemple B, Clark GE, Ross DS, Rizzo DM. Identifying the spatial pattern and importance of hydro-geomorphic drainage impairments on unpaved roads in the northeastern USA. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms [Internet]. 2017 . Available from:
Kaur AJ, Ross DS, Shanley JB, Yatzor AR. Enriched Groundwater Seeps in Two Vermont Headwater Catchments are Hotspots of Nitrate Turnover. Wetlands [Internet]. 2016 [cited 0BC]. Available from:
Young EO, Ross DS, Jaynes DB. Editorial: Riparian Buffer Nutrient Dynamics and Water Quality. Frontiers in Environmental Science [Internet]. 2019 ;7. Available from:
Armfield J, Perdrial JN, Gagnon A, Ehrenkranz J, Perdrial N, Cincotta M, Ross DS, Shanley JB, Underwood KL, Ryan P. Does Stream Water Composition at Sleepers River in Vermont Reflect Dynamic Changes in Soils During Recovery From Acidification?. Frontiers in Earth Science [Internet]. 2019 ;6. Available from:
