Vermont EPSCoR Publications and Products

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Zia A, Bomblies A, Schroth AW, Koliba C, Isles PDF, Tsai Y-S, Mohammed IN, Bucini G, Clemins PJ, Turnbull S, et al. Coupled impacts of climate and land use change across a river-lake continuum: insights from an integrated assessment model of Lake Champlain’s Missisquoi Basin, 2000-2040. Environmental Research Letters [Internet]. 2016 ;11(11):114026. Available from:
Zia A, Schroth AW, Hecht JS, Isles PDF, Clemins PJ, Turnbull S, Bitterman P, Tsai Y-S, Mohammed IN, Bucini G, et al. Climate change‐legacy phosphorus synergy hinders lake response to aggressive water policy targets. Earth's Future [Internet]. 2022 ;10(5):e2021EF002234. Available from:
Landsman-Gerjoi M, Lancellotti B, Seybold EC, Perdrial JN, Adair EC, Schroth AW. Changes in Fluorescence Characteristics As a Function of Substrate Quality and Microbial Activity: Testing a Conceptual Model. 2018 AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting [Internet]. 2018 . Available from:
Andersen DC, Adair EC, Nelson SM, Binkley D. Can Nitrogen Fertilization Aid Restoration of Mature Tree Productivity in Degraded Dryland Riverine Ecosystems?. Restoration Ecology [Internet]. 2014 ;22(5):582 - 589. Available from: